Inspirationally Adorable Grave’s Survivor’s Story

My name is Summer, and I am 22 years old. I live in Marietta, Georgia and am female.

About 5 years ago, I began having awful symptoms. My body actually felt like it was shutting down. My heart would race, my hair fell out, I gained weight, my skin got pale and broken out, you name it. 5 long years I suffered thinking my heart was my problem. I went to a cardiologist, the hospital, and doctors SEVERAL times. I used to cry because suffering so greatly and not knowing what is wrong is heart breaking. I had been suffering since 18, and finally as a last resort I went to an endocrinologist.

Immediately, he freaked. My levels were up AND down. I was all over the place. He gave me options but when he said surgery, for some reason I knew I had to have it done. I knew what my life would end up being if I kept the demon in my throat. My grandmother has awful Graves. Yes, it is scary, but dying is much scarier.

So I didn’t give it much more thought and right after my 21st birthday, cut the thing out.

I have to admit, my heart instantly responded. That night, I slept. No heart racing, panic attacks, crying. I didn’t care that it felt like I stuck a cactus full of angry bees down my throat. I am 22 now, and the struggle was so real. I was so tired when I first started taking the hormones.

My advice? Don’t give up! I haven’t lost a whole lot of weight, but I used to be obsessed with working out and hardly ate at all. So really, it’s a chance at a new life. Find what works for you. I CAN lose weight. I CAN EAT PIZZA AND COOKIES. I don’t eat them often, but I don’t focus on my weight. I can climb Kennesaw mountain AND eat doritos.

I love this blog because not every story is sad and I’m so happy to see everyone else so happy! I sleep without my heart racing!
Do what you need to do man, sometimes it can be life or death with that stupid butterfly thing!
Eat well, and you will feel well.
Does it suck sometimes? Of course!
Will you cry while eating an entire pie? I’ve done it!

No journey is easy, but I’m starting to find my motivation. I feel GREAT, and I look smaller despite the number on the scale.
Work hard, sweat, eat well, and let’s beat all of those who don’t believe you can be fine without a thyroid!
So give yourself a facial,
try a new hair color,
try some weird exercise you find on YouTube, make it a game.
Try making pasta out of veggies with the veggetti!(personally I love it),
try lifting weights and body strength exercise (makes you feel like the hulk and very powerful highly recommend) (Pinterest has great home workouts for moms and people strapped for time).

My final thought, if any of you have made it through my long story, is that it can be a very positive thing. After what I read on Google, I was devastated by the horror stories. I didn’t believe it was possible to be happy and healthy without my thyroid. Being so young, I still get bothered by the fact I will have to be mindful of my health the rest of my life, but that will never stop me. I have proved even myself wrong and will continue to live life to the fullest. Salad and Doritos. Workouts and naps. Surgery was a small price to pay compared to fighting for my life, and that is what keeps me going.


Filed under Grave's Disease

4 Responses to Inspirationally Adorable Grave’s Survivor’s Story

  1. Jantra

    Hi Summer! Thanks so much for sharing your story. You are a fighter and reading your victory made me feel hopeful about life after thyroid surgery (mine is coming up July 13, 2017!) It was a refreshing perspective and much needed with all the photos and scars im seeing online. Thank you again- keep fighting!

    • Christina

      I am 4 weeks today and feel amazing! I never had to take any pain medicine following surgery and only had to take calcium supplements for about a week.

  2. Clare

    I am in Woodstock GA and just found out I need a total Thyroid removal due to pre cancerous cells. Thanks for giving me some positive feed back to cling to.

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